The X10 project uses JIRA for issue and feature tracking. You can use it to submit bug reports, browse the existing tickets, and request new features and enhancements. You can also vote for tickets that you consider urgent, and exchange opinions with other X10 users about open issues.

To report a bug or request an enhancement or new feature in X10 please first check to see if an entry already exists in JIRA. If it doesn't, please create a new one. The more details you have in the bug report, the easier it will be for us to reproduce the problem and get it fixed.

In March 2015, we migrated from a JIRA instance hosted at Codehaus to one hosted in the Atlassian cloud. We are grateful to Atlassian for providing the X10 open source project with a free open source project license for JIRA!  If you had a userid in the old X10 JIRA instance, you will need to reset your password in the new instance before you can use it (for security reasons user passwords were not migrated).
